Rainbow Cichlids


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
I've gotten back to being really happy with my tank, and I'm thinking a pair of cichlids is the best way to finish off the stocking levels (for now).

Of course, Bolivian Rams and Keyhole Cichlids (if I can find them - I haven't seen them around in a while) are peaceful options I'm fairly certain could work with the three angels I already have in the tank (and the other assorted community fish).

But, since I've kept Keyholes in the past, I was wondering how a pair (or a single) Rainbow Cichlid might fit in. I've read a lot about them and everything says "fairly peaceful," but I know that all depends on context. I also know all bets are off for many cichlid species once they start breeding.

If you've kept them in the past (or just know about them in general), do you think they'd fit in a 55 gallon community with 3 angelfish? Or am I better off with Keyholes or Rams (or apistos, or Laetacara dorsigera, etc.)?

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Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
I had a group of four juveniles in a 75gal South American tank with some angels at one point. They never bothered the angels, and the angels never bothered them. I can't comment on their temperment as adults, as I no longer have them (lol the rainbows or the angels, actually), but I can't imagine there would be too many problems, if any.


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL

Someone on cichlid-forum mentioned that they'd tear up my plants. I guess it makes sense given their vegetarian tendencies...

That's too bad - I'd really like to keep something different than the typical dwarf SA set.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

If you refer back to my thread in the Aquatic Plants section (the one you recently replied in...thanks for that!), you'll see that I'm planning on housing rainbow cichlids in my 38 gal. tank.

Won't happen til' after they've spawned and had a few weeks to raise the fry in the 20 gal. long, but once they're moved over I'll be able to provide some feedback as to whether or not (and to what extent) they've ravaged the plants.

Of course, this will all probably take longer than you're willing to wait, as I'm sure you intend on adding something relatively soon...you know...before Christmas, lol. Not to mention the fact that I'm still figuring out how to plant the thing. :rolleyes:

Normally I'd say go for it and report back with the results of how badly they've ravaged your plants, but in your particular situation, I probably wouldn't chance it. Your planted tank is way too nice to be subjected to this sort of potentially-destructive experimentation, IMO. lol
Hmm...I'm tons of help here, aren't I? :p

BV ;)

Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
They are nice looking fish Jeff, can't comment on the plant side of things because I don't do live plants! so sorry there, but I have had my 6 for little over a month and to be honest they aren't the most exciting Cichlids!

They are very peaceful though and other than a bit of chasing and showing off that is the major form of aggression, the problem is go anywhere near the tank and they flip! diving out of site with a good chance they may cause themselves injurys! definitely not a bold cichlid!

I think I may have a pair now as two have seperated one of which is the dominant male and he has a chase at the other 4 so odds on for breeding I'd say, will let you know how they ge on!