Rainbow Fish?


Small Fish
Apr 24, 2013
Before I begin with questions, I want to state that I KNOW the bala sharks will have to be moved to a larger tank eventually. It's understood and will be done when the time comes.
Ok, I have a 55g...I have two small bala sharks, one red tail shark, 5 serpae tetras, two black skirt tetras...I wanted to add a couple more fish to just finish up the tank so I bought 4 Australian rainbow fish. I read that they were nice and active fish but mine seem to not be...one is hiding all alone behind the water filter, and the other three are congregating around the heater. They almost appear stressed. I have plenty plants and all. Could it be that they just aren't suited for a tank with sharks?

Feb 18, 2013
Guessing your water parameters are 0/0/<20 somewhere around 80F ?
Do you know the water conditions of the tank they were in before purchasing them ?
  • If the fish store's water was quite different, they could be in shock, e.x. going from extremely soft to hard water etc.
Did they sit in Quarantine for anytime before introducing them to your tank ?
  • If they were not QT'd they could be carrying parasites, affecting their behavior
How long have they been in the community tank ?
  • It's possible that they haven't adjusted, usually a week or so in a new tank, most fish will adjust, and adapt
Were they allowed to adjust to the tank temp for 30 min ?
They are schooling fish, with usually means 6 + fish for them to not stress out.

Beyond that there could be other problems, however they do like space to swim around, and unless you see your sharks bullying them, I think they should be okay.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I would think that combination would get along. I'm inclined to agree with Rotaripsnoc - that it is something else going on (my initial read would be that they are very new - and probably just not settled in yet).

Sometimes turning off the lights for a day or two helps new fish get acclimated to the tank.

Red tailed sharks have a rep for bullying, but usually that is other bottom dwellers so they should leave the rainbows alone.


Small Fish
Apr 24, 2013
Ok...they are new. I did discover ick spots on two of them, developed day after they were out in the tank. (Unfortunately, I don't ave the money or room to run a quarantine tank right now) I think that between the ick and being new, that's what their problem is.
My red tailed shark doesn't really bother the fish. When the serpae tetras were first added, he nipped for a few minutes as if to establish his place in the pecking order and since, hasn't been a bother.
Thanks y'all!

Feb 18, 2013
Since your tank now has Ich, the best way to treat is to add salt, up to 0.4 oz, it's usually best to do 0.2 oz / gal a day so you don't shock any bacteria etc. You can also increase your tank temp to 84-86 to speed up it's life cycle and help eradicate it faster.

You can use sea salt, as long as it's free of Yellow prussiate of soda