Rainbow shark in 29gal...good or bad idea?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I'm having to juggle stock right now and my bristlenose pleco is going into my 55gal (probably permenantly). This frees up some space in my 29gal and I was thinking about doing a centerpiece fish again. Right now the stocking in that tank is:
7x tiger barbs
3x peppered cories (I think three...I've only seen one since I got home from the lake after three days, but they're good at hiding)
4x otos
1x SA bumblebee catfish
1x bristlenose pleco

The thread in the Beginners forum about RTS and RFBS got me thinking about a centerpiece fish once I move the pleco to the 55gal. A rainbow shark (regular or albino) would look pretty cool in this tank, the albino version especially since my substrate it black. I checked AqAdvisor and it says a rainbow shark would "outgrow" my tank at 6", but BN plecos get that big and it didn't give me that warning with the pleco. The tank is fairly heavily planted (going to be adding a DIY CO2 system to it soon), has a lid and is filtered by an AC50. So, thoughts on adding a rainbow shark to this tank? If a rainbow shark wouldn't be appropriate, what's another cool semi-aggressive centerpiece fish I could do?<--Read this "NOT A GOURAMI"...I have one (a dwarf flame) in my 18gal tall and that's all I want. No mas!

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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Paige, you have the 55g to move the shark into when needed. So for awhile, the rainbow shark will work in the 29g. You know what you're doing.
Otherwise, in terms of stocking something that isn't a gourami but a cool centrepiece fish what about a a keyhole cichlid or other semi-aggressive cichlids like that?


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
As we kno I still hav 2 in my tank at the minute lol 3 n 4 inches and I think they r cool. They both stick 2 their own parts but the smaller 1 has a tendency 2 go into the larger 1s patch and get chased. They r like bullets. But bar that they hav shown no aggression 2ward any other fish. Will get the smaller 1 rehomed wen I can but they r co existing fine. Get 1!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
laura, the 55gal will be completely stocked with the pleco in there and I don't want there to be any aggression/territory issues between the shark and the angel.

I think I'm gonna go with the albino rainbow shark (if I can find one). I think I just needed to run it by other peeps and get their opinions. lol