Rainbow shark


New Fish
Feb 24, 2016
ive recently upgraded to a 36 gallon from a 20 gallon and got some new-to-me fish. My rainbow shark seems to be chasing the other fish and my knife fish in particular. He, the shark, almost seems to be "cleaning" the knife but the knife swims away from him and then lays on his side. The shark chased a barb around the plants also. Is this normal or is he being a bully?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Honestly, you will probably have to rehome the shark or the knife. I don't see that working in a small tank. What kind of knife? The black ghosts are the most skittish and get moderate sized (10 inches I think). Clown knives get huge - like 2-3 feet - but are more tough in regards to other fish. Browns are in between I believe. You won't be able to keep any long term in a 36g.

The shark will want to rule the bottom of the tank. Barbs should be okay, they're fast and sturdy fish and can keep out of the shark's way. Make sure there are a few hiding spots on the bottom - gives the shark somewhere to retreat as needed and helps break up lines of sight to reduce chasing.