Raising PH


Large Fish
Mar 18, 2005
Memphis, TN
My tap water (with declorinator) is around 7.6-7.8 PH. What do I need to do in order to raise the PH for a salt water tank? I also don't have any ammonia, nitrates, or nitritites in my tap water, the calcium levels are around 100ppm, and akalinity of 60ppm. Assuming I am buying a used FOWLR setup what should I look into as far as water quality?


Medium Fish
Apr 29, 2005
I would suggest you look into starting your tank with ro/di water it is a little more expensive to start with but much much cheaper in the long run. once you add your substrate and begin cycling your tank the ph will usually climb to 8.2 but if it does not you might have to buffer it once but more than likely once the substrate gets in there the ph will level it self out. As far as the other readings they will change over the cycling process. Its also best to look into adding as much live rock as you can to help start the cycling process and also help the filtration down the road


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
I use ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer system which is a 2 part system for Alk and Ca on a reg. basis. Using the Alk part automatically keeps my pH around 8.3.
RO is usually the way to go because tap causes most people nightmarish algae probs. But if your tap water params really are as you say then I would do 1 more test for Phos. If that test is acceptable then you can probably just use your de-chlorinated tap water.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well most salt mixes assume you'll mix to a fairly 'normal' range of SG, and some assume you'll start with RO, some assume tap with some kH. They often come up a wee bit low on kH though, but that's cheap to buffer.
I would never assume my substrate was going to help buffer my marine pH as at pH 8 and above only aragonite is somewhat soluble - calcite (many crush coral/sand substrates) is effectively insoluble over 7.4, 7.5.

I would recheck the nitrates, phosphate and dissolved organics in the water before I used it. They don't have to be at zero, but they are going to be algae fuel so it's wise to minimise them