Ram Cichlid question that needs to be answered


Medium Fish
Oct 28, 2003
I have read about the Ram Cichlid a lot because I think it's a beautiful Cichlid but I have heard tons of different things. I have read more than once that this is a very peaceful Cichlid, so peaceful that you can even put it in with a Tetra or something like that. Is this true? I really want one but I don't know which tank to put it in. Please help, I really need to know, I really want to buy one this weekend.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
while there is a weath of information on the blue ram here,it can be tough to decide whats true and whats not.i will share my experinces with you.i started with 2.what i believe was a male and a female(i'm pretty sure it was)where the biggest in the tank.as soon as i got them home the battle for territory began.it was never so bad that i felt compeld to remove a fish or reach in and break it up.the male would chase the female the whole 6 feet of my tank.once she broke his line of sight he would return to his corner.the female was never detered from going where ever she wanted though.this went on for 7 months.the it was moving day.i had set -up a thirty gallon with some pre-exsisting media and droped off some fish (but not the rams) in my new house a few days before i moved.on the day of the final moving i broke down my 84 gallon tank,bucketed my fish and raced to my new house.i dosed the 30 gallon holding tank with bio spira,and began adding fish.there was few decorations in the tank,mostly because of the amount of fish going in.i left the fish in the holding tank overnight,and finished setting up the 84 gallon tank.by the morning the female was dead.she was the only casualty of the move.i then switched all my fish back to the 84 gallon that same day.i still have my male,it's been over a year now.he looks as good as ever.he is a hellion though.he owns the whole tank harasses any fish he thinks is a threat to his food.never does any damage.i have a mainly bottom feeder community and that is who he pesters most.i rarely see him make a move on my teteras or guppys.catfish beware though.but there is a reason for this.they are mid/bottomfeeders.look for fish that look like the beautiful fish you see in photos where people brag about their rams.when you see them with their sick/scared colors,they usualy don't make it too long.as always look for fish that have all the normal signs of health and don't forget to use a q-tank.here are my tank parameters it it helps
84 gallons
lightly planted
well decorated with driftwood and lace rock
ph 7.8
temp 78-80f
emperor 400,penguin170,h.o.t. magnum250 pro,via-aqua 750 canister.approx.1000 gph
the main thing about rams is water quality.i do 40%water changes every 7-10 days.i also use a good de-chlor like amequel or prime.all of this has been my personal experince none is the gospel.hope this helps


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
I to have rams and ill share my experiences quick too. I have 2 males in my 45g tank. The one dominate male usual pesters the other male when he gets near him but its just a quick chase and there is never any damage. They also ignore all my other zebras, harlequins, tetras. So as you can see my rams have a somewhat different than mikes which seem to be a bit more aggresive, but either way they are usually peaceful.

- depthC


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sarnia Ontario
I guess it all depends on how big your tank is. I've only had one male ram in a 77 with tropicals and he was peaceful. never had two males or a m/f ratio for that matter so I couldn't help you there. But I am sure if you have a large tank which is 4-6ft in length with plenty of nooks for them to hide, you could get away with more then one peacefully. They won't bother your tetra's, they may battle here and there with their own kind, but not much to stress over.

Good Luck


Large Fish
May 11, 2003
I have 2 caves for every Ram in my tank an have no complaints. Just make sure they have plenty of choices for territories.

When it is spawning time however, catfish are their natural enemies since they'll spawn on a flat rock. So corries beware. My Rams get provoked if the corries come within 3 inches of their spawning stone.

As for tetras, I have cardinals and rummies. Great roomates.