Ram or Panda Cichlid


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
um.. ok I've been a little reluctant to ask this question but I can't seem to find my answer anywhere so maybe one of you can help me.

I'm upgrading this summer (when I go home) to at least a 29g (or 30 or 35) because I am overstocked right now with the BN and I need to finish out my Serpae school. So when I finish out the school I was wonder if I could get another fish (German Blue Ram or Panda Dwarf Cichlid). But I'm afraid my Serpae might be aggressive to them, or maybe the other way around. So is it unwise to get either one of these fish, or should I get one over the other?

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
panda's are just apistos... they are generally more expensive but like rams can hold their own ground and are even more aggressive when breeding, which there is a good chance. Unfortunately your plecos will be on the search for those eggs... Mine has gotten to them 3 times now.