I have a cycled 23 gallon (set up for 1 month) with only 3 male guppies, 1 male platy and 2 julii cories so far. I would like to add a few more fish, likely 4 dwarf neon rainbows and a pair of rams. I originally wanted to add kribs, but I think they would be to aggressive for the tank.
I'm debating whether to get 2 German Blue Rams or 2 Bolivian Rams. I've heard that Bolivian Rams are easier to care for and keep alive, which might be good because I'm fairly new to this hobby. However, I do water changes every week (about 20%), the tank won't be heavily stocked, and I have NEVER had NitrAtes in either of my tanks. The tank is cycled for sure, because I had a small ammonia spike and then nitrite spike near the beginning, but nitrate readings are consistently 0.0 ppm. Also, there are live plants in the tank.
So, I'm wondering if it might be possible for me to keep Blue Rams due to my low nitrates? If you think this would be ok, please let me know because I would rather have blues than bolovians (more colorful). Also, how do you sex rams?
I have a cycled 23 gallon (set up for 1 month) with only 3 male guppies, 1 male platy and 2 julii cories so far. I would like to add a few more fish, likely 4 dwarf neon rainbows and a pair of rams. I originally wanted to add kribs, but I think they would be to aggressive for the tank.
I'm debating whether to get 2 German Blue Rams or 2 Bolivian Rams. I've heard that Bolivian Rams are easier to care for and keep alive, which might be good because I'm fairly new to this hobby. However, I do water changes every week (about 20%), the tank won't be heavily stocked, and I have NEVER had NitrAtes in either of my tanks. The tank is cycled for sure, because I had a small ammonia spike and then nitrite spike near the beginning, but nitrate readings are consistently 0.0 ppm. Also, there are live plants in the tank.
So, I'm wondering if it might be possible for me to keep Blue Rams due to my low nitrates? If you think this would be ok, please let me know because I would rather have blues than bolovians (more colorful). Also, how do you sex rams?