hi all,
Trying to get some info on German Rams...
Are they good with a community tank? Truthfully, I haven't been checking the tank for anything (pH, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, etc). I do bi-weekly water changes and vacuum the gravel weekly. Am I missing anything?
I have a 46g bowfront...
10 harlequin rasboras
2 dwarf gouramis
2 gold gouramis
1 banded cory
1 albino cory
2 serpae tetras
2 dalmation mollies
a bunch of plastic plants (waiting for the old lights to die out before switching to something stronger..THEN the real plants)
Trying to get some info on German Rams...
Are they good with a community tank? Truthfully, I haven't been checking the tank for anything (pH, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, etc). I do bi-weekly water changes and vacuum the gravel weekly. Am I missing anything?
I have a 46g bowfront...
10 harlequin rasboras
2 dwarf gouramis
2 gold gouramis
1 banded cory
1 albino cory
2 serpae tetras
2 dalmation mollies
a bunch of plastic plants (waiting for the old lights to die out before switching to something stronger..THEN the real plants)