Rambow ideal tank


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Basingstoke, hants , UK

Whjats the best type of tank for these fish i got a few 8 in total now. 3 red 3 bosmarni and 2 blue?
and my tank hase quit a lot of room but i goign to plant it heavel woudl this be not avised ot ok.. Do they lik a empty tank or many hiddign places the rambows i got sem to be ok with what they got but i never happy with my tank and alway ssee pic i want to try out on my tank..  ???



Rambow? I believe its actually Rainbow!  8) Rainbows are fine in a planted tank. They like to swim. I have 4 neon dwarf rainbows in my 90G planted along with 12 rasboras, 12 cardinals, 4 discus, 1 honey gourami, 1 blue ram, 2 ottos and a sae. The rainbows are the most active so they like room to swim but they zoom in and out of the plants. They are not a shy fish so it is not neccessary to have hidding places however it is still good to in case the rainbows need it for whatever reason. I actually have read that fish like to have hiding places even though they dont use them to hidden. Helps make them feel secure.