Rams and Cockatoos

May 11, 2003
I currently have 3 pairs of German Blue Rams in a 75G tank. I really wanted to add a pair of Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids. I was told that the cockatoos would be the dominant fish and harass my Rams. Any comments ???


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How big do rams get .... well they should make 3 inches plus, but most you see don't. Cockatoos - well they should get 3 inches for a male, 2 for a female, but again more and more are getting smaller and smaller as inbreeding creeps into these.
Unitlyou have an idea of how big the rams are, and how good/big the apistos are, you are guessing. Big , good quality rams , if obtainable are quite capable of looking after themselves


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'd have to say I have. Dominant males of quite a lot of species should make 3 inches. You certainly don't see many 3 inch rams, but it is possible and I have seen them (spectacular). I personally had a male panduro that was a good 3 inches, and I've seen odder one offs for sale that were larger than that. My male eunotus is now 2 inches and still growing.
You very rarely see captive bred fish hit max size as they can't feed enough (fish in the wild can feed continually, fish fed twice a day can't), and also females in captivitity tend to be much smaller than in the wild as cichlids are usually kept in pairs where the female is usually too pestered to grow properly, and bred far too often and early.
As for what will bully what - a big territorial male will usually bash a smaller territotial male.