Rams and Kribensis?

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I am currently stocking my 90g, just recently purchased the clean up crew - two rubberlip plecos and 5 otos. I was thinking about getting a pair of kribs and a pair of GBRs. The tank is moderately to fully planted with a couple large pieces of driftwood and a clay pot surrounded by flora. I have a sand substrate and when I had the LFS check my water yesterday I had readings of .25 ammonia, .1 nitrite, 20 ppm ammonia*, and a ph around 7.4. I just added the driftwood to the tank and ph out of tap is 8.2+. I know kribs generally hang out at bottom of tank, but am not sure of the rams. Would there be enough hiding places/swimming areas for a pair of each. I plan on stocking the tank with cardinal tetras(10-12), maybe a couple killifish, and another school of zebra danios(8 or 10). I was thinking of some kuhli loaches as well, they have been a favorite of mine since I was a kid and have now found out that they are more personable within a school. Ok, those are my stocking plans, was really wondering about the GBRs and Kribs, but you all can give your opinion on the rest of my selection as well.

edit: .25 ammonia, .1 nitrite, and 20 ppm nitrate


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yeah the blue rams also primarily hang out at the bottom. There should be enough room in your tank for a pair of each. In a tank that size you could keep 4 pair and not have any problems. Keep in mind though that with 4 pairs you would need a lot of plants, caves, and such, for territories.

My only concern is that if you plan on breeding them, the PH needed for raising GBR fry is too far at the opposite end of the spectrum for the Kribs.