Rams eat Zebras

Sep 6, 2003
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Im moving my large cichlids to a large tank and am left with a smaller tank- I once previously asked about how Rams live with other fish... but now Id like to ask a specific question- would a pair of rams eat zebras (glofish)? the glofish are expensive compared to normal fish of its size and dont want them eaten- rams dont grow large so i think it should be okay but perhaps you would know better. thanks


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2004
Garland, TX
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Rams won't hunt down and eat your Glo-Fish. If you have a breeding pair of Rams then they're likely to get pretty territorial and protective of their eggs and young. In that case....they would certainly chase the Glo-Fish away and, if the tank isn't big enough for the Glo-Fish to move far enough for the Ram's liking, they might get pretty badly torn up or even killed.