Rams fighting???


Small Fish
Oct 13, 2006
Hi again. Well, my rams have bred twice now. Both times they ate all the eggs. My water is soft and all the water parameters are what they should be according to all of the info on the net. There are other fish in the tank so I think that is why they eat their eggs. But anyway this is not my concern. About two days after their last eggs were gone the male keeps chasing the female. It seems to me like he just won't leave her alone. Fortunately though, although this has been going on for about 2-3 days now, the female seems to not be suffering from any injuries, maybe her color is a bit less pronounced than usual but then I could just be imagining that due to my fear for her being bullied. Is this behavior normal or is there something I should be doing to help stop this. Thanks.


Small Fish
Oct 13, 2006
Well, the tank is 20g and is medium planted. The only hiding places are the spot that they chose to breed at (which is in the center of a clump of plants near the back of the tank), a spot behind a large rock that hides my filter tube, and another spot near that same rock on the other side of it with plants. If and when fish hide those spots are the ones I've seen them at. It just seems so weird to me that a paired up couple of rams would breed several times and then at other times seem (to me) that the male is just chasing the female away. Or is this maybe a mating chase thing? Thanks for the help so far by the way.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Wenatchee, WA
In a 20G, if you get more, you may have some aggression issues. If it's the long, then it won't be as bad. The plants will help with hiding areas.

Just keep an eye on her. If she get's too stressed, you may need to remove her. But it could also be just he's wanting to spawn, and she's not ready or doesn't want to yet.


Small Fish
Oct 13, 2006
Ok then. Thanks for all your help. I kept checking on them ever since this started and now today it looks like her color is much better and her belly is even started to get more bloated with the little black patches that she gets before spawning and they seem to be holding "their territory" more and intermittently cleaning. I guess they are finally ready again and the guy was just a little too eager to get to it again. Well, lets hope third time's a charm huh? Not really expecting anything to come of the breeding because of the stress from the other fish but maybe I got some of those rams that are just great parents. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'll post back with updates.