I was wondering if you can mix Rams with Tetras and livebearers? I have a community tank which I'm looking to add something special. I have only ever kept Angels from the Cichlid family.
The tank in question is a 30 gal with 4 Head n' Tailight Tetras, 2 Serpae Tetras, 6 mixed Platys and 2 Corys.
I am in the market for either a Bristlenose Pleco or Siamensis Algae Eaters to help with algae.
The rams I have seen at the LFS are the Blue and some very nice Bolivian.
Any suggestions?
The tank in question is a 30 gal with 4 Head n' Tailight Tetras, 2 Serpae Tetras, 6 mixed Platys and 2 Corys.
I am in the market for either a Bristlenose Pleco or Siamensis Algae Eaters to help with algae.
The rams I have seen at the LFS are the Blue and some very nice Bolivian.
Any suggestions?