
Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
has anyone had any experience keeping red cherry shrimp and rams and if so how did they do together? i know they are a cichlid but on the peaceful side of them. i just dont know how much they would go for my shrimp.

i was thinking of getting a pair for the 55g (which ive gotten a lot of the shrimp out of and rehomed in the 16g which now i have probably well over 40-50 shrimp in most which are babies (maybe 15-20 adults). i guess then again if they eat those shrimp i have plenty in the 16g i just would like to get that adult female out of there that likes to hang around my very creviced new piece of driftwood i got. i think she finally let her clutch go and the babies were born. i was wanting to get her out before she let her clutch go because i think there were around 20 babies in her clutch. although i do have 3 females bearing large clutches in the 16g and 2 which have realeased.

also my next question is: how well do they do with swordtails, yoyo loaches, bn pleco, clown pleco, 4 neon tetras and a couple oto's? i think they would get along fine since they are bottom dwellers and most of my fish are medium to high swimmers in that tank now.