After the pair is finished spawning, remove the female so she won't be in the way of daddy, who has now positioned himself in the protective father role. As you know, bettas build bubble nests to house the eggs. They have to be able to scoop up the eggs from the bottom of the tank to place them in the bubble nest if they fall out, so leave him to do his thing for a few days. If he has conditioned well before spawning, an appitite repressant hormone will kick in until the fry hatch. As soon as the fry hatch, you MUST remove the male betta IMMIDIATELY. He will eat the babies and you will be crushed. If the male is in the proper environment (a 10 gallon tank at LEAST) then he shouldn't eat the eggs.
Note that the eggs cannot sit at the bottom without the father to put them in the bubble nest or they will rot and will never hatch. So ya, the daddy needs to be there for the eggs, but when the fry hatch kick him out.