Random Equipment... help me figure out what it is!

Jan 1, 2010
So I got a 10 gallon tank with a bunch of random stuff in it that I don't know what it is/how to use it. Can anybody help? I tried google, but I'm guessing the equipment is old which is why I can't find anything on it. Here's what I have and as much of a description I can give you... if we can't figure it out I can take pictures when I find my camera....

-AQT 3000 is what is says on the front, it says Aquarium Air Pump DY500 on the back.
-Hush 1 is all that is says on it other than technical voltage stuff.

I'm guessing they are both air pumps, but there's just a tiny tube sticking out the side and no way to attach it to the side, so I'm guessing they are submergible? Does anybody have these? I don't want to dunk em in water and wreck them or blow them up.



Small Fish
Dec 27, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Not many things with A/C cords are submersible...

Hi Tomato,

I highly suggest NOT submerging those. Air pumps are not submergible in any case that I have seen. Likely they sit next to the tank or in the stand and an airline runs (small 1/4" hose) from them into the tank, to an air-stone, Under-Gravel-Filter, or other type of bubbler.

You may also want a check valve on the airline just after the pump, that way if you turn it off, it craps out or there is a power failure the tank water won't back-flow down the airline and empty your aquarium (by siphon) onto your floor.

Good score though, there might be some gems in there when you figure out what it all is. I myself started my setup with a box of mystery parts and am just slowly upgrading or replacing as need and funding arises.



Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Is it a piece of tubing or a piece to stick the tubing on? If it's a piece of tubing, you can probably just pull it off with a pair of pliers and the get some airline tubing from Walmart or your LFS (in the pet department at Walmart) and stick it on the outlet.

Jan 1, 2010
Is it a piece of tubing or a piece to stick the tubing on? If it's a piece of tubing, you can probably just pull it off with a pair of pliers and the get some airline tubing from Walmart or your LFS (in the pet department at Walmart) and stick it on the outlet.
It looks like it'd be a piece to stick tubing on. How do you get it to not look stupid just running a random hose into the tank?

Also, I have a filter with the rest of the junk and figured out how to put it together and it does filter the water, or at least run it through the machine. The issue is there's just what looks like a little sponge in the compartment that it runs through and the sponge only takes up about a 3rd of the space available for it. Is that Okay? I can't find a brand of any other writing on the whole thing other than the words that say "do not run dry". There's also no lid on the filter. Ideas?