Random question answer needed asap :)

Dec 14, 2009
hello all,

as some of you know im planning on getting another female betta this weekend. now i am going to see if my original female ruby will live in peace with her and im prepared to move the new female if they dont get on. i also had the idea i could make a divider ??
here are my question -

1. is there a way of making a homemade divider ? how ? instructions please :)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
no idea about the divider but you can get a bigger 32oz (2lb) clear food container from any deli, anchor that to the lip of your tank and put one female in there. it has worked well for me for separating a female from a male in the main tank or one female from another female in the past.


Medium Fish
Jan 15, 2010
BC, Canada
Is plastic canvas made of 'food-safe' plastic? I bought a divider, and had to put strips of polyester filter-medium (like quilt batting) between the glass and the divider frame to keep fry from escaping thru the gap. This wouldn't be a problem with larger fish. The divider itself is a piece of stiff clear plastic perforated all over with little holes. The water circulates reasonably well thru it.
You could also make a sack out of tulle (fine netting) or fiberglas window screen, and put the newcomer in it. Clip it to the top of the tank. Keep the bag spread out with a frame made of soda-straws or similar. You'll need to clean it more often, as they don't pick much food off the bottom of the bag.