Raphael Cats?


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2007
Good evening,Does anyone know the latin name of these lovely black and white striped catfish?Also some info on your experiences with them ?Any feedback would be helpful.Thank you,-D


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Platydoras costatus- never underestimate the power of planetcatfish! :D

PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Doradidae :: Platydoras costatus

I've never kept one personally before, but we've had them at the store I work at. In fact, we had one of them for over 6 months because we didn't know it was there. They hide in the tightest, smallest, darkest thing they can find and stay there until you turn out the lights. They seem pretty hardy though, considering we had one that lived with 3 of its fins literally skinned to the bone (it was really weird) for quite awhile. And they eat until they're round :eek:

Hope that helps some :)

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
I have one in my tank

They do eat till they are round, i thought he was sick because he finally came out of hiding one day and was big as a golf ball, but after two hours he was back to normal meaning 3-4 inches and proportionate for his size. I have a shell he hides in i see his tail and the only way in or out is the top, he swims in stays there and backs out the hole is barely big enough for him to fit in so it is funny to watch. But he is nocturnal and very different from my other fish. My raphael really likes shrimp pellets if i drop the in tank no matter the time of day he is out eating as much as he can find.


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2007
Thank you friends.I have three ,purchasing them because i needed a clean up crew for the blood parrots.The little scamps are adorable.They do tend to hide all day with occasional foraging excursions,however late at night is when they do come into their own.I switched on the light one night to find them rapidly investigating every nook and cranny for food.They also are not intimidated by the parrots at all.The parrots try to oust the cats from their caves and the cats will not budge one inch.They are delightful.I'm so glad they are here.One is large ,one is medium and one is very tiny.*twirlysmi