Rate Betta Sites


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Everyone post a link to a betta site (or a few) that you have experience with.

This could be a forum, informational page, stock shop, etc... whatever it is, as long as it's related to bettas.

Tell us the best and worst of it all. If you bought a betta or betta related product somewhere and got bad service, let us know (so none of us buy from them), If you bought a betta from Aquabid or someone's stockshop and it's the healthiest betta you have ever seen, let us know (so we CAN buy from them LOL). Anything you have to say about any betta site please put it here!

I am really getting into the idea of breeding bettas, and as of now I am trying to do as much research as possible and I know there are alot of betta people here, so lets give everyone a good place to get info!


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2006
east coast
www.ultimatebettas.com I have purchase a pair of white platinum Halfmoon from www.greatwhitebetta.com beautiful and very reputable breeder of white halfmoon only.

Do not buy from bluebettausa.com people had very bad exprience from him and he his very rude also bettatalk just becareful with her even though she is very knowledgeable some have had bad exprience with her bettas especially what she is charging for them. I had no bad exprience with shipping them through the mail with priority all healthy and alive. I have bought 7 bettas online. hope this help some

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