re : a newbie needs advice re airpump


Small Fish
Apr 18, 2006
Los Angeles
Hello! I just wanted to ask what is the difference between an airpump and a power filter? Do i need an airpump even if i already have a power filter? I am planning to get a mini bow 5 gallons for just 2 platys. Im sure they will both survive even if my environment is small. I will not be adding other fishes in the near future. Till i save up enough to get a bigger tank. Pls educate me regarding airpump versus airfilter.

Jan 16, 2006
Superior, WI
An air pump is just what the name implies, a pump that moves air. It will not filter your aquarium by itself. Generally an air pump is connected to an air stone which diffuses the air into small bubbles. The airstone is then placed in the uplift tube of either an undergravel filter or a box filter. As the bubbles rise a current is created in the tube bringing water thru the filter media.

A power filter uses a water pump to move water through the filter media. The most common kind hangs on the back of the aquarium (also known as a HOB filter), drawing water up thru a tube thru the filter and back into the aquarium.

For your situation my suggestion would be a small power filter...


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2006
air pump

Yes an airpump is used in adding bubbles for various decorations and for visual purposes. You really don't need an airpump unless you have live plants for addded circulation benefits.