OK... I'll introduce myself. I used to be pretty big into the freshwater aquarium hobby. I had 2 20g's a 10g and a few beta tanks. When I left for college those tanks were left at home to be cared for by my father and brother. During college I had aquatic turtles and a beta but that was about it, I was constantly moving so I didnt want to set up a tank just to break it down and have to move it again.

Well now that Im done with college, settled down and married (married this last september) I have finally had the time to get back into aquariums. I plan on moving one final time when we buy a house in about a year so I havnt set anything big up. but I have become facinated with nano-tanks and have setup a 5g planted tank with 3 dwarf puffers and a CAE.

Aside from aquariums, Im also into cars, I surf, and am a self admitted computer geek. I got my degree in Recreation Administration and am working for the City of Costa Mesa Recreation Division.

Well I think that about covers it!

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Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
welcomes from cichlidville.......

for a complete rift-lake buffer recipe call 1-800-Soulfish during normal girlfriend visitation hours. :)

if your oscar has recently escaped his tank and is using a coat-hanger to break into your car, please stay on the line......and a tank of at least 55 gallons will assist you shortly.

if your bio-wheels have stopped turning, remain calm......the world still is.