Re: Anemone Care, Can I have one?


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2005
OK, I am confused. According to Anemone Care, Can I have one? an anemone needs pristine water conditions. My anemone is getting bigger by the day, stays in the perfect spot and is as happy as a pig in ****. He/She eats a piece of krill twice a week, so my initial response is my water is in great shape! Still I have some stuff that dies over time. Why oh why? :rolleyes:


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well you don't really say much.....what kind of anemone is it? what are your water parameters? what kind of lighting do you have it under and in what size tank. Where in the tank is it located. and best of you have a picture of it? These will all lead to the determination of the health of your anemone. Pristine water conditions are usually stated but in reality it is more a matter of stability than the pristineness of the water. Anemones do not like fluctuations in the water such as alk and ph swings temp and sg etc. Your anemone may eat a piece of silverside (how much how big?) biggest mistake is overfeeding but if yours is only getting a small piece then it is probably okay.....I feed mine a whole silverside about once a month....anemones are light dependant and should have good solid color.....indicating healthy zoanthelle.....if not they can be bleached and if so need the supplemental feeding required to maintain their health and build up their zoanthelle to a healthy level. Most anemones will live many many decades in the wild and to say you have mastered their husbandry is very difficult to determine. I have had mine for over 3 years they are all huge and none have ever split.....which can be an indication of stress and a survival ploy but also happy healthy ones split also.....I still think I am but a beginner in keeping anemones.....They are beautiful, and mysterious at the same time. Good luck with yours!