I had to do this to my 55 gallon before I sold it, and it was easy. I got silicone at Lowes because at the time there wasn't a pet store selling it near me. This will work fine as long as you get the one without the mildew killing chemical, as it will kill your plants and fish. I think #2 has it, #1 doesn't, but you might want to check anyways. If you do get the poison one, let it sit in the water for a month, then do a %100 water change. The chemical can soak out into the water and be perfectly fine. There's fish living fine in that tank right now actually. I'm not sure if there's a better way to test it, but I figured it was fine to put things into the new water once algae started to grow. If you want to avoid all this, my LFS sells aquarium silicone, and yours probably does too, though going to Lowes or Home Depot is probably going to be loads cheaper.