read this


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
and can you back this up?not all fish are cyainide caught be honsest most good retailers sell aquacultured fish.not that any magazine or article can be trusted as much as the next,but if you have read tropical fish hobbyist,freshwater and marine aquariums,or even aquarium fish,you would know that the marine fish trade has banned cyanide fishing for years and most popular marine fish are being aquacultured.cyanide collection is bad and no one should be allowed to use it,but it's not half the problem that live rock collection has become for fiji,i would be far more preachey about the loss of the live rock colonys in fiji than the outdated cyanide colection methods


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I decided against a saltwater tank, not because of the cyanide, but because of just the collection of corals etc. that can upset the ecosystem. I may one day to an all tank-raised tank.

There was an interesting article here about fishing for food from the Red Sea. It always amazes me at how delicate the balance of nature can be

It is also sad how people in the Third World are reliant on income from environmentally destructive trades. I think we would all rather feed our families.

(I used to work for the publishing house that produces that magazine)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA

this is the third or fourth time you have made a comment about this...i think all of us who are involved in the SW fish hobby recognize the issues and you do nto need to continue to berate us as if we are some sort of uncaring life takers hellbent on destroying the planet...please read catfishmikes post as i do not want to repeat his post

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You guys are not uncaring life takers hellbent on destroying the planet, but one thing you are, is very lucky people to have enought money to have a SW tank. i just wanted people to know how bad this is. thankyou, and great job to all those who capitve breed their fish, your helping.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I trhink this is a bogus argument, especially as so many freshwater fish are wild caught. Cardinal tetras - 50 million esported a year! Most cories - wild caught one you get beyond the top 2 or 3 species. Where do you think your pictus cat came from - a farm - don't think so. Your tetras - likely wild caught if they're not neons or a couple of other species
People who live in these home areas have to do something to provide an income - it's not realistic to expect them to go back to subsistence farming or fishing - their expectations have been raised. Responsible fish or invert collection can provide a high income, low damage resource that gives them a better reason than ever to preserve their enviroment. If you want to see some real damage your looking at food fishing or tourism. I went to the middle east recently, and while I was there looked at a newish breakwater derived effectively from several thousand tons of dynamited live rock! Tourism is not friendly to the enviroment - need some material for a new runway - dynamite time. Food fishing also uses dynamite - it might be illegal , but it still hapens.
Fortunately modern fish collection means you can't use cynaide to collect fish for aquaria - they die too often, and everyone nows how to spot it. The big wholesalers know it, and don't encourage it - it's too bad for business. I agree with your sentiments but you are aiming at completely the wrong target fishkeeper.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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i will say that fishkeeper is right on one level, its wrong to use chems on coral or coral heads for ANY reason. in Keaulana's, the area my dad grew up in, he'd go diving everyday, because fish were that abundant, literally thousands swimming within reach(a quote, unquote renewable food source)

then people started getting greedy and used bleach to flush the fish out of the coralheads. the bleach would then deteriorate the coral head killing the animals inside the more growing reef, no more endless food source. now the reef is barren, and were lucky to see any fish. Makaha beach was the same way.

to this day when im diving, if i see ANYONE bleaching a coralhead in the ocean, ill drag them to the beach and beat the living $#!% out of them. the thing that pisses me off the most is that it wasnt a big corporation that did it, it was the people that lived in the area that were too stupid to know that bleach KILLS things.

*goes off to marinate in thought.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well I don't seem to be stupid but most of the people using bleach, cyanide or dynamite to catch fish are food fishing. Cyabide was a problem in the past but hopefully it's dying away as good retailers realise fish caught this way have a nasty habit of dying in transit or very quickly.

Lotus - think about this - by going tank raised only you are removing a source of income for local fishermen - you are thus forcing them to go food fishing to provide an income. I admire your sentiments, but you have to practically involve local peoples interests in not destroying the reefs and their enviroment


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
What you are talking about is cynide. Not all collectors use this to capture fish. In most cases the fish are caught in nets or bred in captivity. There are fewer and fewer cases of cynide. People dont want to buy a fish that will die in a few weeks to months.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine system
20 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Reef
20 Gallon Freshwater Planted tank

Jan 15, 2004
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I think that tht is soo messed up to use synide on fish eventually killing the nearby reefs, S.Reef is right though they are breeding more fish nowdays, but there are fish that are soo hard to tell the difference between male and female they have to catch them. if i ever saw some one using synide id beat the living sh*t out of em


Medium Fish
Jan 15, 2004
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"You guys are not uncaring life takers hellbent on destroying the planet, but one thing you are, is very lucky people to have enought money to have a SW tank."

What the hell does that mean?? lucky enough to have the money to have SW tanks? makes me feel rich,lol and dam ive never been broker!