Recent SPS additions


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
Up until recently my tank was predominantly LPS and soft corals with only two SPS corals, green stylophora and encrusting hydnophora.

But this month and last month several more SPS corals were added to the mix:

Metallic-orange pavona (p. maldivensis)

The montipora's:

Branching montipora (orange)

Branching montipora (lavender)

The acropora's:

Acropora 1

Acropora 2

The birdsnests

Neon green (seriatopora caliendrum)

Pink (seriatopora hystrix):

'Bird of Paradise' (seriatopora sp., green base w/purple polyps)

All are doing well, thus far, with the exception of the first acropora which experienced some tissue recession after about 4 days in the tank. Not sure what caused it but the recession has since ceased.

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