Reco for a good Pleco


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
125gallons, 14 africans, 1 redtail shark, 1 synodonis cat. I haven't had very much experience with pleco's mainly because I don't know much about them and didn't want to end up with a river monster. However I would like to have a prolific bottom feeder for the food scraps that don't get eaten. The sydonis only seems interested in the veggie pellets and doesn't really seem to do the housekeeping that I'm looking for so... any thoughts on a good size pleco for my tank?

Dec 14, 2011
A common pleco wouldn't be an issue for the size of your tank I don't think, but they truly are poop factories and I've heard that they don't do much cleaning as they age. A really popular species is the Bristlenose because of its size (reaching about 5-6 inches) and cheap price, but I think that any of the smaller species would work the same. I have a female Bristlenose and she's constantly sucking on everything in my tank, even though she's fed algae wafers.

I've heard that they're generally aggressive towards their own species, but because of the size of your tank, you could probably get away with more than one, although I'm not sure.

Dec 14, 2011
They seem to be a lot calmer than the common plecos as well, although that may just be her personality vs. the common I had before her. My common spooked really easily, and would dart around the tank like a psycho all the time. My bristlenose doesn't seem to mind anything, however, and I usually have to shove her off of decorations when I'm vacuuming.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I had an electric blue crawfish that was an excellent bottom feeder and a stunning addition to the tank. After about 7 or 8 months one day my cichlids decided he needed to go and they ripped him to shreds. I don't know what had changed. So today I saw a crawfish at the lfs, not the blue one just a regular one for a good price and with some acclamation advice from the store owner I decided to give him a shot as my new bottom feeder. Well sad to say he lasted about an hour. My cichlids had a lobster feast tonight. So thats why I'm in the market for a pleco as a bottom feeder. I think I'll have to get a good size one though.

Dec 14, 2011
Cories don't do a lot with algae control from my experiences. I think their big thing is leftover food that's fallen to the bottom, whereas plecos eat what's growing on things.


Superstar Fish
A pleco is a bad choice as they are dirty and do not really clean anything. I have one with my three Oscars and one Jack Dempsey (125G) only because I wanted one and knew it would be more work for the tank and it is more work. Cory cats will not make it in an African tank very long at all. Your best bet is about two to three more Syno's. They will school and be more competitive for food and eat the left overs.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Thats too bad, I like those cory cats. But the synodonis is one of my favorites in the tank so I wouldn't mind getting a few more. They are hard to come by however.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Thats actually where I got the one that I have. Just havn't seen them there recently and the indy stores that are around tend not to have those for some reason. I'll just keep my eyes open for one.


Medium Fish
Dec 10, 2012
i have 2 common plecos in my tank and they look very nice. they hide a lot and like to dart out of the hiding space when i put food in. yes they do generate a lot of poop but i have no problem siphoning it out. they look great i recommend them, plus they get to a very nice size (7-8 inches)

Feb 27, 2009
My dentist in Florida had one that was 26" (sailfin) when it passed away. He acquired it at 6 or 7" and had it over 30 yrs old and kept in an indoor 'pond' he built in his waiting room. If I recall, it was 600+ gallons.

I wish I had the photos of it still (110 cartridge camera took the photos - ok, yes, I'm old). He was a beautful fish and very 'tame' and would take veggies from your hand. Still a tank (or pond) buster tho!