Recomendations for bottom/algea

Jan 17, 2004
decatur, Al
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Gang, Looking for a bottom feeder for kids 10g tank. Was thinking about some small cories. We have 10 neons and a zebra danio in the tank. also is there a small algea eater that will help police the algea on sides of glass? Thanks for the help. Kerry


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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2 words Otto Cats...they are amazing at cleaning algae, and they are small, about 1/2 - 3/4 inch in length, they stay small. They are peaceful fish and when there is no algae left they will eat cucumber and zuccini, algea wafers etc.... cory cats are good to eat left over food off the bottom but not algea really. you could get 1-2 otto's with out really maxing out your tank limit...cory's can get fairly big and should be kept in at least pairs. you could combo 1 otto & 2 cory's if you want, but be sure the cory's are small. I have 2 otto's in my 10 gallon and they keep it sparkling clean!!! Plus they are really really cute and fun to watch eat.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Yeah ottos would be your best bet for algae, but IMO are happier in groups of 2+, same for cories (pygmies stay small but are difficult to find).
Is there a reason you have one zebra danio? They are usually happier in groups.

Jan 17, 2004
decatur, Al
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Sorry, we have 2 zebra danios and a group of neons. All are doing great and have had the fish for about 45 days since the tank complete cycling. The danios seem to keep to the top of the tank and the neons are prefer mif to lower depths. Was just looking for something to help police the bottom and control a little algea. This is my 6yd olds 10g tank that has a 125 penquin bio wheel. We have a mix of artificial plants as well as some live plants.

On my daughters 10g tank we have 3 marbled mollies. 1 male and 2 females. The male is a lyre tail. One of the mothers just gave birth but by the time I got home we could only find 4. we have them in a net breeder in the molly tank. they seem to be doing well. We are feeding the adult mollies flake, blood worms and some freeze dried shrimp. they seem to keep all the algea back in there tank also are keeping the vegitations trimmed back a little too. The mollies are just constantly foraging around. We have also been giving them some algea wafers as well.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions. What a info bonanza there is here.

Thanks again ..... Kerry