Recommend some tank mates.

Aug 10, 2011

Ok so after sorting out my initial water PH problem its now stable at 7.5-8.0 im after som tank mates or a prize fish as the main tank attraction I like the red tail shark and i also like the Bettas but im unsure what other species would mix well with my current stock. the tank is 200 L with a large gravel bottom no plants ( but could add some) it has one large piece of wood and 3 large stones with cave style holes. The tank is stocked with :- 1 x young plec (probobly a sailfin), 3 Mollies + 2 fry, 5 Danios(the hardyest fish ever!)

Ideally i would like a fish(s) that gets to a larger size than the others but im after a nice focus point for the tank so it would need to be somthing thats not shy either.



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have a bright blue betta splenda with a lot of finnage that fits that description - not shy and all over the tank, but it is hit and miss to find one like that. I think you have room for a couple of angels which I find really showy and they move all over the tank and will grow bigger.


Small Fish
Aug 4, 2011
new york
actually, i've been successful with the bettas and dwarf gourami together. my tank is moderately planted but be it as they have a 200L tank (mine is 55 gallons) it might be large enough to house the two breeds together.

be warned though - most sites or advice will recommend against it, but it has been done successfully (i have a dwarf gourami, a male betta and also a female betta in the same tank).

funny thing is, the female was actually very aggressive in my betta sorority but after i put her in with the community she gets along swimmingly with the other residents. she even hangs out with the male betta on occasion and they dont fight.