Recommendation on algae fish

Apr 2, 2005
Hey i was just wondering, i currently have a cycling 38 Gal. Tank and i was wondering algaewhat are some good eaters for this kind of tank.
Mind you right know i can't put anything in it because i am cycling according to iggy's plan so if i did put something in right now they would die within about 5 min. But i was just wondering for later. by the way the other fish that will be going into the tank is:
3 Zebra Danio's, 1 Moonlight Groumi, 2 Swordtails, 1 Scissortail, 1 Red-tailed Shark, and 5 Tiger Barbs

Thanks So much!

i would say get like 3 more danios (cause 3 danios will terrorize the other fish instead of school and bother their own kind) and ditch the swordtails cause the barbs will nip at their fins and also the scissortail and the gourami. I think a bristlenose pleco or another small pleco would be good or a chinese algae eater but they dont do much of a clean up but they are semiaggressive like all your other fish. I would avoid getting an oto, amano shrimp, any kind of algae eating shrimp, and maybe a snail depending on how your other fish take to it and of course avoid getting a common pleco cuase they get huge.

Apr 2, 2005
Thanks i was really thinking of getting a Bristlenose Pleco, how much do they cost and are they hard to find, I live in Wisconsin near milwaukee so i always go to Hoffer's Tropic Life Pets, Maybe you've heard of it, its a pretty good fish store


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Bristlenoses (or bushynoses) are hard to find around here...I can't usually get them for less than $15...but it just depends on where you are. Only way too do it is look and see at your local stores.

As for your stocking plans...I think I'd continue to rethink them and do some more research on each of the fish you've chosen. Danios like to be in a group of 6+, same thing with the scissortails (assuming you mean scissortail rasbora?), The swordtails would be good with the danios and rasboras...but wouldn't do well with the barbs (like balloon said) plus its best to keep livebearers in a ratio of at least two females to one male. The gourami can be pretty tempramental and might not like the barbs/danios. I would not get an RTBS with smallish tetra/livebearer type fish in the they can get grumpy as they get older. I'm sure the barbs/danios could hold their own against him though. I'm not sure how a pleco would do with one...might want to introduce the RTBS last. Anyway, sorry just my two cents.


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
i have never kept danios, but gourami's have been added to my list of "don't buy no matter how pretty they are" list. They can become very aggressive if they decide they don't like one of the other fish and will literally chase them to death.

i wouldn't get a gourami either cause they are mean like discus4evergrl said and if your getting barbs they will most likely nip off thsoe two whisker things they have but i dont know if gouramis will let them, i know angels will cause everyone says not to. In your signature it sounds like you already have the fish then you say you are planning on getting, which is it?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'd try to get two bristles, and hope they pair off. Nice fish to breed in a years time when they're a bit older and you need a challenge


Large Fish
May 16, 2003
Galloway, OH
Visit site
If you want those fish in there, then I would definitely get something armored. A common Pleco would be ok in there for a while, but a Bristlenose would grow to just about the right size for that tank. They’re about $4.99 around here.

Apr 2, 2005
I'am sorry about signiture, i already set that up and that won't be in effect until my 38 gal is done cycling i've been trying to disable that every time i post but sometimes i forget the reason i already know those fish is because i have a 20 gal. which has all those fish in it but i will be moving them to a 38gal. Also, my Gourmie has been pretty Calm and has been a pretty good fish and i don't really think he's been picked on, but i will watch for that. By the way i have been trying to get a Bristlenose, to me, they just seem so cool!!!!

Thanks so much