Recommended Gravel? Cloudy water problems


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Ive had to change the type of gravel I use a few times over. My goldfish got it stuck in his mouth so I tried different kinds of gravel.

I got some Spectrastone gravel... the #5 Frosty Pearlettes and the gravel is nice and light, and smooth and large so he cant eat it but can pick through it to nibble... but the downfall is it makes my water cloudy. I washed the stones in water for 10 minutes, and then when I got back from work, his tank was all bubbly and it seemed soapy. I never use soap (forbid it!) when cleaning anything for my fish and Ive changed the tank twice and these rocks keep making the water cloudy.... any suggestions or recommendations?

it's a 2 gallon tank with 6 flat faces and it's acrylic.