recycled salt?


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
is there any way to recycle salt? I remember my old Jr. high science class where we took salt and mixed it in sand, then put it in filter paper and rinced it out. that seperated the salt from the sand. then just evaporated the water to reduce it down to just salt. is it possible to do that with water change water to salvage at least some of the salt? it just seems wastefull to me just to dump all that salt over the hill if it could be reused.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
with as smart as some people are u would think it would be possible to do this somehow. I think I'll expariment with small amounts durring my cycle. when the ammonia spike hits I'll save some of that water and then same with the nitrite. see what happens if I dehydrate it and then rehydrate it. I know ammonia boils off at low temps. as for the nitrate and nitrites I have no clue. but if I can "filter" it off it could be usefull info especialy if I can do it cheaply.