red algae..


Medium Fish
Sep 25, 2006
I having red algae hair breakout..its all over my sand and starting to grow on my rocks and some of my zoe. any snails/cleanup crew that will eat it or how to reduce..


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
u sure its hair algae? im just getting over a cyano outbreak that took 2 months to get rid of! i had a blue jaw trigger die in my tank during a time that i wasnt paying much attention to it so it just rotted causing an ammonia spike which in the end turned to nitrates... that along with old filters in my R/O unit = a ton of red algae everywhere! i did a lot of large water changes, replaced my old filters in the R/O unit, replace media in phos reactor and removed as much by hand as possible during each water change ;) HTH!