Red Bellies

Apr 12, 2009
So i have wanted to get a red bellie piranha since i was very youmg.. Im thinking now is the time. i have read into this and most people say that work best in groups of 5-6. i wanted to get just one and see how it works out. is that ok ? just one RB? and if it is what size tank. i was think around 30ish ?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
It looks like you need to do a lot more research on piranha before you even consider getting one of your own. Try google and visit several different websites. Piranha also have a lifespan of 10+ years, make sure you are capable and ready for such long term care. They also have very special needs, more research on your part is needed.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
piranhas do better in a school. with a solo piranha you might not see their aggression/true nature. It has even been said and shown in my experience that solo piranhas are often shy without their species, even when in tanks with other big fish like oscars and dempseys the piranha tends to be the wimp. it will do much better in a school, and due to its predatory/aggressive nature I wouldn't recommend anything less than 3 piranhas in a 60G.

By no means am i saying if you chose to keep only 1 that it's okay to stick your hand in the water!

Apr 12, 2009
thanks guys, thanks for the imput and i will prolly go with the 3 in a 55-60 depending on what i can find... i do plan on doing alot of reseach for this.. deffinately not an impulse thing