red devil laid eggs


Small Fish
Jul 16, 2004
Winter Olympic 2002
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Here is what i found out (coppy and paste).Add some more if you could .
"""""The Red Devil is often referred to as the Midas Cichlid and the Red Devil Cichlid. The Red Devil's main background color is peach to yellow with some specimens having a white underside. The fins are often white or highlighted in white.

The Red Devil requires a tank of 50 gallons or more, with plenty of room to swim as well as stones for hiding. Because it is a digger, it is best to put the rocks on the bottom of the tank and not stacked. If stacked they could be knocked off causing damage to the fish. The Red Devil has a very aggressive personality, so choose his tank mates carefully. Red Devils should only be housed with other fish that can defend themselves.

An open spawner, Red Devils are not particular about their spawning substrate. Spawning will occur on horizontal, slanted, or vertical hard surfaces, with as many as 1,000 eggs being dropped at a time. The Red Devil forms pairs, making a nuclear family, with both parents caring for the fry. Larvae hatch after 3 days and are placed in pits for protection. In an additional 5 days the larvae are free-swimming, and the young eat a mucous secretion produced from the skin of the parents.

The Red Devil is an omnivore. They prefer a balanced diet of foods such as Cichlid pellets, ocean plankton, quality flake food, and occasional brine shrimp or bloodworms.

Ideal tank mates iclude similar sized: New World Cichlids, Sharks, Plecos, Loaches, scavenger Catfish, and some "Oddball fish" (miscellaneous fish).
Here is another copy and paste.

Cichlasoma citrinellum is much more commonly known as the Midas Cichlid or Red Devil. Common synonyms for this fish are Cichlasoma citrinellus and Amphilophus cintrinellus.
First typed by Günther in 1864, this fish is an enduring favorite in the hobby because of their outstanding color, intelligence and strong parental care. Red Devils are often kept as pets for many years by their owners.
There are many documented cases of pet owners training these fish to do tricks (!). I have seen video of a Red Devil who would hit a ping pong ball into a tiny basket for a reward. Studies have also shown that this fish can differentiate color. It is impossible to say how intelligent this fish might be, but I have spoken to some Red Devil hobbyists who feel they are every bit as smart as a dog.
Several color variants are available. The wild variety has six brown-black bars and a large black blotch on their side. The most common color morph in the hobby is a creamy yellow to orange fish, similar to above, that may or may not exhibit blotches on the side. Surprisingly, the yellow variety is also found in the wild. This fish has been extensively line bred for color. I have seen individuals that were nearly pure white, to bright yellow, to solid orange.
Cichlasoma citrinellum gets very large! Males will often exceed a foot, so a big tank is in order!
Red Devils are aggressive and territorial, particularly when breeding. I have read and heard many accounts of agression leading to death, broken heaters, etc., so be forewarned. This fish is a "tank buster" so either keep several individuals together or with similarly sized aggressive cichlids.
Cichlasoma citrinellum is native to lakes in Central America, especially the Atlantic side of Lake Nicaragua. Red Devils are effective competitors in their native habitat and are generally found around cover such as tree roots and rocky outcroppings at depths of 1M to 35M.
Cichlasoma citrinellum is easy to keep, but you will need a big tank. I housed and bred several 6 to 8 inch individuals in a 125 gallon tank. Red Devils are also a good choice for ponds. Make sure to bring them in if the water temperature in your area dips below 68F. They handle the hard water here in the Chicago area very well.
Red Devils are fairly messy fish, so regular partial water changes are critical. I change 50% of the aquarium volume per week.
Cichlasoma citrinellum are voracious eaters. When young, they need a lot of protein their diet to grow well. Older fish, consume all matter of pellets containing both animal and vegetable products. I fed Tetra Cichlid Sticks and Tetra Variety Wafers. Red Devils also appreciate occassional live food. I fed earthworms and excess cichlid fry which they hunt down happily.
Breeding this fish is one of the true pleasures of the cichlid hobby. Parental care is simply outstanding and fun to watch.
Males are larger than females and develop a nuchal (head) hump at about 6 inches.
I obtained seven young, 1-inch fish from one of GCCA's regular meeting auctions. I placed them in a 40 gallon tank for a month or two and then transferred them to my 300 gallon garden pond for the Summer 2002. Over the summer, they grew an inch or so and I moved them back inside to the 40 gallon tank where they grew to about 5 inches in length. They went back in the pond for Summer 2003. When I netted them out in September 2003 they were about an inch longer with spectacular color!
I placed all seven individuals in a 125 gallon tank and the largest, most aggressive pair bred within two weeks.
Pair formation is obvious and a pleasure to watch, but watch closely as they may damage tankmates severely. Spawning pairs stick closely together. You may see them move mounds of gravel and clean a spawning site. The male will become very agressive at this time.
The breeding pair may establish a very large territory . . . perhaps the entire tank!
When you see the females ovipositor descend, breeding is imminent.
My pair laid about 200 eggs on the inside of a 6-inch flower pot. The female stayed close to the eggs for about six days, occassionally picking off an infertile egg. The male guarded the perimeter.
Once the pink eggs hatch, the female moved them to one or more pits dug in the sand. The fry became free swimming about 4 to 5 days later. I fed the tiny fry immediately with freshly hatched baby brine shrimp. They grow surprisingly fast, tripling in size the first week.
As of this writing, I have two pairs spawning in my 125 and two other fish have paired off, too. I am not sure what will happen next, but I'm going to net out some of the babies for BAP and I'll worry about it after that!

Last edited:
Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
I dont think removing the parents is necessary. They're good parents. May be the first time they'd hv been inexperienced. But i believe they'd guard the next time.
Best thing in enjoying cichlids is their parental care. I'd suggest you not to miss tht exhibition.