Red Devil

Jan 10, 2006
I have a red devil in my 30 gallon tank, and he has been in there for about 6 months. He is about 5-1/2 inches long, and he is not verry picky about what to eat. I have fed him cichlid flakes, cichlid pellets, and even mealworms. I have heard that it is good to serve your cichlid feeders, or even shrimp. I get tired of watching my red devil eat flakes and pellets. what would be best to feed him next? feeders? shrimp? what?

Also, i have been thinking about breeding convicts. I have 2 more hiding places in the tank. Ive heard that convicts are fairly agressive. will they be ok if the are in there with my Red Devil? Will they stick up for each other?, or will he make them a meal?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
First off..welcome to the tank. Secondly Spike is right. Your fish is a prime example of stunting. The fact that he is only 5.5 inches long speaks the truth. That fish should be pushing 10 inches or more at his age.

A 30 is no place for such a fish.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
First of all your red devil will outgrow that tank fast. So putting convicts in would not be a good idea. I suggest, if possible, get a larger tank for the red devil, breed the convicts in the 30gal and use the convict fry as feeders.

Feeders from the LFS can commonly carry diseases that you don't want in your tank. Breeding you're own would be a much better option. However you just can't do the breeding and feeding in a 30gal with these fish.

In a 30gal with a red devil and 2 convicts i'm putting my money on the convicts. Both earn their names well, with the convicts think of death row inmates.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
at 5 1/2 inches the devil wouldnt stand much chance, the convicts would be too much for him.

but i think a full grown 12 inch devil would end up killing the convicts in such a small space.


Medium Fish
Dec 8, 2005
sorry didnt mean to be so brief in my first reply, I was in a hurry. A single red devil should be in at least a 50 gallon tank, preferably larger, to keep convicts with the red devil you would need something very large, maybe as big as a 90 gallon tank. Red devils tend to do better in a species tank though. Remember to check your pH regularly, because acidic water conditioins could lead to a dead Red Devil.