Red pimple ???

Sep 26, 2009
My Goldfish (comet) Sparky, has a red "pimple" sticking out , right before his fin stars . he also has red lines running through his back tail. Sparky is the oldest one in the tank, hes a big guy. we usually change the water (1/2 a tank ) every 2-3 weeks . we recently changed 1 portion of the filter.
what could this pimple be ?hes in a 20 gal hex tank with a smaller comet and a pleco. they have been living together for about 1 year.

Sep 26, 2009
HERES THE PICTURE OF HIS PIMPLE. ITS RED,& STICKS OUT ALITTLE also, iwant to say the water has been much better.
Im going to try to take a picture of the pimple on Big Sparky, if he will slow down long enough!

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