Red Ryukin Help

Sep 18, 2008
My red ryukin is having trouble. Last week he was floating upside down at the bottom of the tank. After looking online, I found peas may help - and they did. I was able to get him to eat some peas, and he seemed like he was back to normal, but now he's floating, right-side-up, at the top of the tank. I tried to get him to eat peas; sometimes he tries to get to them and misses, and then when he gets them, he spits them out. I don't know what to do - any ideas?


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
you need to give more details, how long you've had it. Your tank parameters, your tank info. What else is in there with it? Have you done anything recently that might've caused it? (adding new fish? water change?)

Sep 18, 2008
I have 2 red ryukin in a 50 gallon tank. I've had them about 5 months, since someone moved (they had them 2 1/2 years), and they told me there was little I had to do with them besides feed them. (I now find that's not true!) In fact, when I first got them, all we did was fill the tank with water from a hose, and put them in. When the big one started being upside down, I looked online and found about testing the water, and at that time the ammonia was 6.0 (I bought strips - I now find I should have gotten the test drops). I added anti-ammonia stuff, and started removing and adding water, but only have 4 1-gallon jugs, so I can only change water a little at a time. (I add chlorine remover before adding the water to the tank.) The ammonia is down to 3.0 - I know it should be 0, but it's taken a week to get it down. (With such a big tank it's hard to do a large water change.) Other numbers are: NO3 - 80; NO2 - 0; pH - 6.0; KH - 0; GH - 180 (numbers are approximate since I used strips). The second fish gave me a scare - he was lethargic, just sitting on the bottom last weekend, then seemed better but got a couple red marks on his "chin", but they were gone yesterday, and he's acting normal. So I'm concerned about the bigger one, floating on the top, and not eating.