red slime


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
ok ive had it for a while now in my 10 gallon and i cant seem to get rid of it :confused: now i know if i just scrub the rocks that should work but the only problem is ive got it all over my feather worm rock and theres tons of feather all over this rock so im scared to scrub ... oh yea i switched to r o about a month or so ago after noticing the red slime thnking that would solve the problem but it hasnt.... also i try to do at least a gallon or 2 water change every week or so and have been for a while ..... ive tested the water and everything seems fine...... any suggestions????? also i plan on getting a little hob fuge so i can throw some macro in there i heard that would help is this true???


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
I think using the macroalgae to outcompete the slime is the best bet, and likely to work. Raising the kH and flow are also good ideas. Nitrate tests are actually meaningless here as cyanobacteria can fix it's own atmospheric oxygen so many of the usual tricks around reducing nitrate are valueless