Red-tailed black shark....

I actually just got rid of my red-tailed shark after having him for about 3 months cause as he got older he became VERY aggressive. He chased my fish all the time and eventually killed a few from the stress of them trying to run from him. I tried to make all kinds of hiding places for the other fish but he actually stalked them and sought them out! So no, i highly don't recommend you put a shark in with less aggressive fish, best suited to living with other aggressive fishies. I also had a 29g tank


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
I don't think I woudl put two gouramis in a 29 either.
Thats what I was told as well when I was thinking of getting a couple.. I have heard/read that the dwarf gouramis aren't as agressive and territorial with each other though..
Good luck..


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I made the mistake long ago of putting two in a 20- which did not go well. I think it's one of those maybe it will work maybe it won't kind of things. They are far less aggressive than opalines for sure though.