Red-tailed Black Shark

Oct 22, 2002
I have a quick question about my Red-tailed black shark, Would it be ok to put my tetras and my danios in the same tank as my red-tailed shark?? He seems very agressive to my bala shark. But he won't touch my angel fish...So what do ya all think??? Also I was looking at him, and his tail turned clear instead of red....hmmmm.. what does that mean??? THANKS

I have three red tailed sharks in a 135 gallon tank. There is enough room that they each have a territory. They chase each other arround but I've never seen them do any damage to each other. They leave my other fish, clown loaches, bala sharks, dwarf gouramis, red finned blue botias, cory cats, a betta, alone, probably because they have each other to chase. If they are chasing other fish, its probably because they are defending their territory. Their tails become clear when they are stressed or sleeping. Its not permanent, and when they become comfortable with their surroundings the color will come back. Red tailed sharks are a cool fish, a good choice in my opinion. They seem to be all show and no real threat to other fish. Anyone else have experience with a red tailed shark hurting other fish, or do theirs only chase as mine do?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My red-tail, Ender, is great. He's pretty aggressive, and occasionaly has anger bouts on the other fish (mostly this other black and red colore one), but otherwise just chills out. I bought some flying foxes and they are doing a great job keeping him in line. They only thing he ever killed was a flying fox because it tried to live in Ender's house and he didn't like it very much! LOL! So if you give your shark lots of hiding places he'll color up again and be great.