red terrors

Oct 22, 2002
Monroe North Carolina
Sorry it took so long to get this info for you.  Here is what I've found:  Red Terrors are Very Agressive !!  Max size is 15".  Min tank for 1 is 65 gal.  Colors range from brown to green, turning bright red/dark bars as it matures.  I have green terrors, they dont get as large as rt, and aren't quite as agressive.  You can probally find plenty of info by looking under Cichlasoma Festae on most any search engines.  One link I found for you is   Hope this helps :D   By the way, my gt are not as agressive as most people say.  They are in tank with clown loaches, and raphael striped catfish.  IMO, the agression comes out when kept with other cichlids.