RedSea OCD

Jul 16, 2008
I have a Red Sea Reef Tank, and one of my fish (striped redish purple with a blue dot on the tail) is looking very robust in the underbelly. The color of the fish is great, and the fish is eating very well; however, this belly thing is freaking me out. Do saltwater fish reproduce? If so, what are the signs, and if the fish is pregnant, what are the steps to take to ensure the safety of this fish from crabs, etc... in the tank? Please help me,...I'm a ROOKIE!


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Welcome to the tank!

Um well yes salt water fish do breeed but it's pretty rare i believe. The fish may have eggs but it doesn't mean that it will breed even if it has eggs. It may be matureing or mabye it's mateing, i can't say for sure. But since it's belly is swollen it might be an indicator of eggs. Most likely the fish will not breed. But congrats on the fish haveing eggs(mabye)and great color. You can't really do anything to protect it except might be able to put a tank divider in the tank but who know's if she or he has eggs.