Reduced Eheim output - any suggestions?


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2005
For about six weeks I've been running an Eheim classic 2213 on my 220l planted tank. It's freshwater community and pretty well fully stocked (as in I couldn't comfortably add any more fish) so I imagine the bioload is fairly substantial.

In the last week the filter output has reduced considerably.. basically, from a lovely air curtain to a trickle. The spray bar is still producing bubblings, but barely. There's no obvious blockage/kinks in the hoses so I figured the filter needed cleaning. I have the filter media exactly as recommended by the Eheim instructions; that is, a layer on noodles, a course sponge, a big layer of these round granules (ehfisubstrat, maybe?), and then on top a fine white sponge and a thin carbon sponge on the very top. I replaced the top two sponges because these seemed the most likely culprits.

I turned it back on, and after the air had worked out of the system... almost no improvement at all. I am totally flummoxed. I really don't want to touch the other layers of substrate in such a young filter system. The motor is working just fine as far as I can tell. I took it apart and there's no blockage whatsoever. Can anyone suggest a cause for this reduced pressure? Should I rinse the noodles in tank water, perhaps? I'm nervous about disturbing the bacteria colonies, but I'm getting a bit desperate, because I can tell that even with just a week at the reduced filteration the quality of my tank is suffering.


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2005
I didn't do that yet. Is that not also bio filteration? The ehfisubstrat above the coarse sponge, which I believe is supposed to be for bacteria colonies, looks pretty clean with no gunk or slime at all. I'm assuming it will take a long time to mature.

Tomorrow I'm planning on running with filter with no media basket in at all, so I can be certain whether the flow problem is related to the media or if it's somewhere else in the system. I'll definitely try rinsing the blue sponge if I find the problem is media-related. Thank you!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The noodles are your main bio media. If you decide to run it without media, put the media in a bucket of tank water while you test, to keep it wet and protect the bacteria.

Eheim has good customer service, so if you run into problems, contact whoever you bought it from, or Eheim.


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2005
After running the filter with no media there was very little improvement in performance.


I'm sent an email to Eheim tech support (I'm in the UK and only count as an Interationl customer, so I'm not sure how easily I could contact them by phone, esepcially on a Sunday). However they cover the problem in there FAQ here: Eheim GmbH & Co. KG | Why does the filter performance deteriorate? classic 2213, 2215, 2217

None of these possibilities seem to be the case but I'm going to try a cleaning brush today and see if that helps.


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2005
Seems like the problem was a blockage after all! There didn't seem to be any particular bottleneck in the system, but one of the hoses had a lot of slime on the sides and I guess it must have built up to cause a problem. I couldn't believe how much gunk came out when I ran the brush through the system. It honestly hadn't looked from the outside that the hoses were blocked at all, particularly to the extent that the filter couldn't function properly.

Thank you for your advice, Lotus.

I think my mother has been overfeeding them since we put a few buenos aires tetras in the tank ("They always seem so hungry!"), and that seems a likely cause of this problem.