A DSB is usually consitered between 2-4 inches, most people aim for the higher side of that, if not more. Stay away from crushed coral, ect. It gives you higher nitrates. I srongley suggest live sand, but, it can be made, silica sand should do just fine.. How big of a tank are you thinking about doing? If you have a bio wheel, lose it, again, nitrate factory. Refuguim like arcab said, isn't a nessecity, but its a really nice thing to have. If your looking at a reef 30 gallons and under, which would actually be consitered a nano by most. try
http://www.nano-reef.com. Very helpful, you will learn alot, plus, they have some AWESOME tanks for inspirtation. If your going for more of a standard size reef, then reefcentral is the place to go
http://www.reefcentral.com. Again, really helpful. For a beginner reef, start with the biggest one you can afford, live rock is a definate plus. Try going to a different LFS, aways from there, the closest LFS near me, it's 6.99/pd. Which, all things consitered, is actually a pretty good price. For all around reef/fish keeping info, I suggest Bob Fenner's website. I hear he has some awesome books, but, I've never had the chance to read any.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com. Will answer personal questions, very helpful and friendly, great site! Research is a huge key in having a successful reef! You can use NO (normal output) florescents for it, but, the only things you'll be able to keep are some mushrooms and feather dusters. VHO (very high output) will give you a little more selection, but, I to also recommend pretty strongly PC lights. Buy the fixture from home depot, and get the lights from
http://www.hellolights.com There really cheap. You prolly want 50/50 bulbs, for the best variety of corals. I've never kept a reef, or saltwater for that matter, but, I've done research out my ears. Expect to spend about $50/gallon, minimum.You minght want to consiter starting with a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) first, until you get the hang of everything. Read alot, learn alot, and try and buy as many different species of tank raised as possible. I've read the horrors of how the catch wild fish! It isn't pretty at all! Good Luck and tell us how it goes!