Yes And just from what I've had and know, you can add some Melafix (which if I remember) its to heal and help sooth the damage to things such as fins. Also you get it in a nice blue bottle at walmart. I always thought most fish can take it.. But id look it up or read the bottle if I was you (just to make sure that 1%) to make it 100%
I use Melafix whenever my fish start to look bad. My angelfish was having problems with either nipped fins or my water quality was causing problems. I added Melafix from (Petco). I think you have to remove your carbon from the filter but it seemed to work well. My fish look great. Good Luck, sometimes water quality can cause fin rot of some kind not just other fish.
Fins do grow back, however if the "spokes" of fins are nipped away, they will probably not fully grow back immediately, if ever. Melafix and good water conditions will definitely help.
Thanks! The Angelfish's fin has looked worse even after the Serpae Tetras have been removed. I'll look into the melafix. I need to read it and see if it will harm my dojo loach, zebra botias, or my cory's.
Be careful with Melafix and bettas. It's easy to overdose on them. You can get Bettafix which works just as well. Male betta fins can grow back but it can take some time and babying. It also depends on the severity. They usually recover pretty well though.