Regulating the intake and outtake flow - major issues


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Santa Cruz, CA
Hi all,

I am new here. My boyfriend and are I currently trying to setup our first Reef tank. About 10yrs ago he had close to 15 tanks.. mostly fresh water but was starting to get into saltwater.

Here is our current issue.

Regulating the in-take and out-take water flow from the tank to the sump/pump.

We have tried a few different things and have no idea why we are getting the fluctuation that we are.

We originally had a CPR overflow but it appeared that the intake was not great enough for the pump out take... so we actually took off the CPR overflow (which will go back on this weekend), bought a smaller pump and just plumbed a regular PVC system.

So yesterday we had adjusted the Ball Valve on the out of tank flow into the sump and it seemed to be matching the pump perfectly. We didn't have any variation all day and in the evening, noticed the same thing. We didn't adjust the valve's (We did add some more live rock to both the tank and sump).

This morning - after checking the sump again before bed at 11pm and no changes - we were 1/2 inch away from overflow in the sump.

What can we do? I keep looking around on Youtube and in different spots and no one really talks about getting the flow regulated.

We will be re-plumbing the system again this weekend to put the CPR overflow back in as well as the bigger pump... but we are having issues with getting the flow the same.. even with the Ball Valve (Gadge Valve), etc...

Here is what are current setup looks like - if you need that info.

75 Gallon Tank
80lbs Live Sand
150 Lbs Live rock
CPR Protein Skimmer (in the main tank)
Sump below

Current intake - PVC from main tank to sump

Sump with smaller pump (we thought this could help the issue)

Tank with live rock (with 2 chromis and a hermit crab who hitched a ride on the live rock) and the new Coralife lights we got on major sale yesterday.

THANK YOU for any help you can provide