rehabilitation process

Aug 12, 2004
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Well, I first expressed an interest in marine fish approx 2 years ago after having freshwater tanks for 7 years and unfortunately learned my lesson the hard way. I filled the tank, let it run for 35 days and to make a long story short filled it with a bunch of non-compatible fishes. Here I am close to 2 years later and I am taking the advise of some experienced aquarist this time. I have a 90 gal tank with 1 1/2" of crushed coral, approx 30 pounds of liverock, protien skimmer, and 2 emperor 400 filters. Also aside from the skimmer, I have an additional powerhead for better circulation. Water clarity seems perfect. My ammonia and nitrate levels are FINALLY reading next to 0. Nitrites are also 0. Salinity and ph are fine as well. So the only fish in there now are a spotted grooper and a 1" damsel. My primary question is if anyone knows what kind of other fish are compatible with the grooper? He ate my clown fish, and almost all other that fit in his mouth. I am looking forward to getting this tank on the right track, so any suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks,