Reliable chlorine test?


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
I successfully cycled my 30 gallon long using pure ammonia so today I decided was the day to do a nice big water change to get rid of the excess nitrates and then was going to head to LFS for some fishes. Well, I forgot the reason I was waiting was because I'm out of water conditioner! Rookie mistake, I know. :(

Anyway, I used one of those strip stests in the beginning of my cycling so I didn't waste my master kit tests (plus it's kind of a pain) and the strips I'm using have a chlorine test on it. It's coming up zero but how is that possible since I filled it up straight from the tap and didn't add dechlorinator? I know the strips aren't as accurate as the drops but are they that off?

My master kit doesn't have a chlorine test in it so I was just wondering if there are any reliable chlorine tests available.